Thursday, 13 December 2012

Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin

Elastislide is a responsive image carousel that will adapt fluidly in a layout. It is a jQuery plugin that can be laid out horizontally or vertically with a pre-defined minimum number of shown images


Responsive Navigation

Many responsive websites provide a horizontal navigation bar on large screens and drop-down navigation for smaller viewports. It’s a perfectly decent approach, but it’s not without its issues. Firstly, devices don’t just come in large and small; they come in every size imaginable. Secondly, the navigation might well change over time. Thirdly, the layout or font size might vary across screen sizes. We’re going to do things differently…

Why not check (with JavaScript) to see how much of our the navigation actually fits in the space available? Once we know that, we can take items that don’t fit within the navbar and move them into a dropdown menu. On especially small screens, we can choose to put the entire menu into a dropdown.


Responsive Google Map Images


Building a Responsive Layout With Skeleton: jQuery Plugins videos

Our responsive layout is coming on in leaps and bounds, so let’s crank it up even further! Today we’ll look at various jQuery plugins which we’ll use to pull Twitter and Flickr feeds into our page, plus a responsive slider plugin for our features area at the top.


Responsive Pricing Tables Using :target for Small Screens

Pricing tables can be a very effective means of displaying information and helping users differentiate the options available to them. Ultimately, pricing tables can convert passing visitors into valuable customers, so it’s important we consider how they work on different screens and devices.


Tuesday, 11 December 2012

On-Page SEO Best Practices for 2013

Hello folks
Today we are cov­er­ing some advanced tech­niques that you can use in order to opti­mize your land­ing pages. The aver­age user of the Inter­net has devel­oped and is impor­tant for Inter­net mar­keters to develop with them.When you take a look at how the web has changed we can make more informed deci­sions on how to opti­mize our web­site and max­i­mize its impact.

But for those who are new to SEO and also for those who are con­fused about On-Page SEO I would rec­om­mend you to read Basic On-Page Fac­tors by SEOMOZ and for those who knows about the basic facts can jump into deep strate­gies and tips below.

But before we get deep into Advance ON SEO let’s have a brief look in tra­di­tional yet still nec­es­sary On page factors.

So let us begin with tak­ing a short his­tory les­son here. For­mer on-page SEO had some kind of tra­di­tional best prac­tices such as, “Oh, those things are com­mon to pages that per­form well in Google,” which does not nec­es­sar­ily mean that it is rea­son for their suc­cess. But it does mean that many peo­ple who suc­ceed are doing these things, and that per­haps we should fol­low them.

This are tra­di­tional strate­gies like the use of Key­words and Key­word phrase in the title tags one or two time or it been used in the begin­ning of title.Is the key­words has been used in the con­tent or in the web page body. The fun is that we care about the key­word den­sity or you can say the rep­e­ti­tion of Key­words as the fact is it has to do noth­ing about den­sity, but still we want to place the key­words right there. You may want to enter the key­words inabove para­graph, so peo­ple who are read­ing find the con­tent relevant.

We also place the key­words in URL’s if pos­si­ble. We think that links are about share so we can get some anchor text ben­e­fits from that. WE also place key­words in H tags. BUt the fact is we are do every thing but still we are very much con­fused as we don’t know what we are doing actu­ally mat­ters or not.

We have an image, and that image has an ALT attribute and we need our key­word inside. The ALT is in the code of the image tag itself, and we want the key word there. That seemed to be a strik­ing cor­re­la­tion with pages that do well.

We also need the key­words in the anchor text of the links which points other pages of the web­site. So our vis­i­tors can jump through the one page to another for the infor­ma­tion they are look­ing for.
Superb well above stuff is not out dated those points are still very impor­tant to con­sider while per­form­ing a on-page but we should also adopt a fact that these tech­niques are not enough to drive the metrics.However def­i­nitely these tra­di­tional tech­niques are not the only things we should think about in 2013. I must say and you guys also have to accept that On– Page has changed a lot and grow as every other forms of SEO. This is the kind of the thing which I want to say that this is the opti­miza­tion of Mod­ern times.

So below I want to share some amaz­ing tips which you should con­sider while per­form­ing on site optimization.

1) Canon­i­cal­ize the Dupli­cate pages of your web­site.
2) Write Unique TITLE Tags.
3) Make a smart path for your con­ver­sion pages or to your prod­uct pages.
4) Use vari­a­tions in Anchor Text.
5) Remove low qual­ity inter­nal links.
6) Gen­er­ate User Expe­ri­ence.
7) Hav­ing respon­sive and appeal­ing design.
8) Improve your web­site acces­si­bil­ity as per search engines point of view.
9) Add social shar­ing but­tons.
10) Encour­age vis­i­tors with your call to action mes­sages.
11) Rep­re­sent your­self, Your Team, Your Cul­ture, Your Brand.
12) Use HTML SItemaps over XML.

But the best tips is to ask your­self is you are doing fine or eth­i­cal. YOu may be think­ing that many of the above tips still belong to tra­di­tional tips the thing which we want explain is that Google is also the same it was before the Panda and Pen­guin the change is just that they fil­ter their search results and the remove only those web­sites who had not fol­lows their guidelines.

Many of the tra­di­tional opti­miza­tion fac­tors still are very impor­tant to gain rank­ing improv­ing usabil­ity and even for brand­ing. All you need to do is to just keep chang­ing the ways of using those tech­niques also try to do smart than the smartest.

Today the world of opti­miza­tion is is world of usabil­ity and user expe­ri­ence and social and SEO, are all com­ing together. It’s not just clas­sic SEO any­more. It’s not just social media mar­ket­ing any­more. It’s not just con­tent mar­ket­ing. If these prac­tices don’t work together, we don’t really get opti­mized the way we want to.